1ºeso. The lab at home/task4 to be returned on April the 27th

You will have to carry out a series of experiments that are easy to perform at home, and which I hope will help you better understand the scientific method, and the importance of establishing well-defined stages in order to interpret the results.

This time, I will give you the steps to follow but the final work, presentation of results and conclusions, will be exclusively yours.

Please read the instructions carefully before you start.

EXPERIMENT1: "Influence of temperature on seed germination"

1. Hypothesis: temperature plays a role in the germination of legume seeds
2. Materials: two equal containers, 20 seeds (can be lentils, white beans or chickpeas), cotton or any other substratum
3. Process:

  • Prepare two containers each marked with a letter (A and B)
  • Put cotton or earth at the bottom
  • Add 10 seeds of the same type in each container
  • Take a photo
  • One of the containers (A) we put in the fridge and the other (B) we leave it outside
  • You have to water every day with the same amount of water in each container
  • After a week, take another photo to be able to compare the results

Then you will make a presentation of the results and your conclusions, which you will have to send me in the format you choose, powerpoint, word or poster.

EXPERIMENT2: "Influence of light on the germination of a seed"

1. Hypothesis: light is necessary for seed germination
2. Materials: two equal containers, 20 seeds (lentils, white beans, pints, or chickpeas), cotton or earth
3. Process:

  • Prepare two containers each marked with a letter (L for light and S for shadow)
  • This experiment is very similar to the previous one, but this time, when we sow our containers with the seeds you have chosen, you will put the container with letter L near a source of natural light (window), while the other, with letter S, you can keep it in a closet in the dark.
  • Take a photo
  • Make sure to water every day with the same amount of water in both cases
  • After a week take another photo and see the results

You will also have to make a presentation of the results and your conclusions, which you will send me in the format you choose.

TIPS: Lentils normally germinate earlier, so it may be easier to see results after a week. To water it is enough to moisten the substrate, if you put too much water it can rot. Anyone who wants can do these experiments with different types of seeds but as long as there is the same quantity in each container (for example in one container, 5 lentils and 5 beans, and in the other 5 lentils and 5 beans); It might be interesting to see what type of seed germinates earlier.


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