3ºeso/ project about COVID19/task3 to be delivered on May the 4th

Casa, Corona, Coronavirus, Virus, Covid-19Covid-19, Coronavirus, La Distancia Social, Distancing

You must do this work from the NEWS tag on this blog, where you will find 4 documents that will help you. One of them is a link to rtve that is constantly updated. The idea is that you go consulting the news as the presence of the virus evolves. The points to investigate will be the following:

- What is the possible origin of the virus

- When and where it first manifested itself

- How infection occurs

- How does the infection spread

- How the affected person's propagation curve evolves in different countries and why its incidence is not the same throughout the globe

- What is the trend of that curve in Spain

- What is confinement for?

- How being isolated for so long affects you personally (this part is optional but I find it interesting because it is something closely related to the news and that affects us all)

The format will be free, that is, you can present it in the form of a comic, a short video, a PowerPoint presentation or others, if you have google you also have the possibility of making your presentation (for me it will be easier to view it), a poster, or simply, the traditional way through written work. Try not to make too much copy and paste. Select the material well, only the one you understand, and think about what you are writing.

The objective of this work is for you to learn how a virus spreads, what it needs to reproduce, what are the routes and vectors of infection, how the world reacts to this pandemic, which will surely not be the last. But I also want you to reflect on how it affects us in terms of behavior and to think that such behavior will surely be related to the confinement conditions of each one. That is to say, it is not the same to spend it in a house of 40 square meters, a family of 4 people than in one of 90, and it is not the same to have a terrace or balcony to not have it, or to have or not to have a patio or garden, to live in the country or in the city ...


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